Growing up isn’t always easy. For many young people, it can be a time of exploration, confusion, and inquisitiveness.

Adolescence defines the transformation from childhood to adulthood, and it is important that the young people of today are equipped with the necessary skills to help them navigate this transition. For many, the formative teenage years mark a period of discovery in terms of identity and sexuality. This is why it is essential that young people have the necessary knowledge and feel empowered to make the right choices for them during this time.

Eliminating stigma and taboo surrounding sexuality education gives young people an  opportunity to freely explore this phase in their lives. This works to support young people to  learn more about sensitive topics such as; teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted  infections and diseases, gender, sexuality orientation and many more! 

The teenage years are precisely the stage of life that is usually the central axis of relationships and the exploration of sexuality.

The SAFE YOUTH project aims to address the  apparent lack of sexuality education and offer young people engaging resources that they  can access with ease. With the development of infographics, comic strips and guided  lessons, the SAFE YOUTH project resources will explore sexuality education without the  typical stigma it carries, and instead with high degrees of normalcy and positivity. By  offering comprehensive and reliably sourced information, adolescents can be empowered  to make healthy decisions based on knowledge and positive motivation. This can work to  improve knowledge and attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health and behaviours.