
The Spring Equinox marks new beginnings rebirth. As the spring rolls in, daylight hours and temperatures increase in the northern hemisphere. Why not get more of a “spring” in your step, by adopting some healthy habits that boost your wellbeing this spring?

As the New Year rolls in, it can be quite easy to become influenced by the constant talk of dieting and weight loss. 

What is body positivity? Body positivity is a movement that encourages individuals to accept and love their bodies, regardless of perceived flaws or imperfections. Body positivity focuses on empowering yourself to change a judgment mindset to one that encourages celebration, gratitude, and love for your body. 

The Rural Hub, a not-for-profit organisation located in the border region of Ireland, provides essential up-skilling to front-line educators and youth professionals who work directly with young learners. Over August and September 2021, The Rural Hub carried out the first pilot training of the resources of the SAFE YOUTH project. This training took place over four days and comprised 20 hours of learning.